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Thursday 2 June 2016

Breaking News: Paul Ryan said he would vote for Donald Trump. The House speaker had initially withheld his support

Paul Ryan said he would vote for Donald Trump. The House speaker had initially withheld his support.

Thursday, June 2, 2016 3:47 PM EDT

Breaking News: Prince's autopsy results have ended weeks of speculation: He died from an accidental overdose of a pain

Prince's autopsy results have ended weeks of speculation: He died from an accidental overdose of a painkiller

Thursday, June 2, 2016 3:16 PM EDT

Prince, the music icon who struggled with debilitating hip pain during his career, died from an accidental overdose of self-administered fentanyl, a type of synthetic opiate, officials in Minnesota said Thursday.
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Angela Merkel says she hopes UK stays in EU

Angela MerkelGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel says she hopes the UK will stay in the EU, "for the benefit of all of us".
She said it was up to UK voters to decide whether to leave or remain in the EU in the 23 June referendum.
But she said EU states got better results in negotiations than those that had to "negotiate from outside."
Leave campaigner Kate Hoey told the BBC: "It is in Germany's interests for the UK to stay in. That doesn't mean that it is in the UK's interests."

Messi tax fraud trial: 'I knew nothing' Barcelona star says

The Barcelona and Argentina football star, Lionel Messi, who is on trial for alleged tax fraud in Spain, has told a court he had no involvement in the management of his financial affairs.
"I was playing football, I knew nothing," he said.
Messi and his father Jorge, who manages his finances, are accused of defrauding Spain of €4.1m (£3.2m; $4.6m).
The authorities allege that the two used tax havens in Belize and Uruguay to conceal earnings from image rights.

Europe floods: Natural disaster to be declared in France

France is to declare a state of natural disaster in areas worst hit by flooding in recent days, President Francois Hollande says.
The measure frees up funds, with some towns in central France suffering their severest floods in decades.
In Paris the Seine continues to rise, prompting the closure of a metro line running through the city centre.
Heavy rains across Europe have left at least 10 people dead, most of them in Germany.
More downpours are forecast right through the weekend across a band of central Europe from France to Ukraine, with as much as 50mm (2in) of rain falling in some parts in just a few hours.

German MPs recognise Armenian 'genocide' amid Turkish fury

Armenian commemoration in Istanbul, 24 Apr 16The German parliament has approved a resolution declaring that the mass killing of Armenians by Ottoman Turks during World War One was a "genocide".
Armenians say up to 1.5 million of their people died in the atrocities of 1915. Turkey says the toll was much lower and rejects the term "genocide".
The vote heightened German-Turkish tensions at a time when Turkey's help is needed to stem the flow of migrants.

Meet the man saving Yazidi slaves from ISIS By Arwa Damon, Hamdi Alkhshali and Bryony Jones, CNN Updated 1238 GMT (2038 HKT) June 2, 2016

Watch Arwa Damon's documentary, "ISIS in Iraq," this weekend on CNNI at 06.30 CET and 19.30 CET Saturday, and 13.30 CET Sunday.
(CNN)The bidding opens at $9,000. For sale? A Yazidi girl.
She is said to be beautiful, hardworking, and a virgin. She's also just 11 years old.
This advertisement -- a screengrab from an online marketplace used by ISIS fighters to barter for sex slaves -- is one of many Abdullah Shrem keeps in his phone.

China Nervous About Possible Britain EU Exit

FILE - British Prime Minister David Cameron, right,  shakes hands with China's President Xi Jinping, at the UK-China Business Summit in Mansion House, central London, Oct.  21, 2015
BEIJING— Chinese politicians and business people are increasingly nervous about the upcoming vote in Britain on whether the nation should leave the European Union. Several eminent personalities, including Chinese President Xi Jinping, have said Britain should not exit the regional grouping because they see the nation as a gateway to the European market as a whole.

France calls for EU cooperation with Africa over migrants

Large dinghy packed with migrants
Italian Navy
The European Union (EU) needs to work more with African countries to tackle the arrival of migrants into Europe, France's prime minister said in an interview with a Greek newspaper on Thursday, Reuters news agency reports.

Pakistan Enforces New Border Crossing Regulation on Afghans

Pakistan has introduced new policies along its border with Afghanistan, ostensibly to reduce cross-border terrorism. But the measures are also likely to add to human suffering for the thousands of people who frequently travel back and forth for work or medical treatment.

This used to be a nearly open border, especially for Pashtuns, many of whom had relatives on both sides. Afghans seeking medical treatment in Pakistan, laborers who went daily to the other side to work, businessmen, and people going for family functions made up the thousands who crossed this border daily. Traveling back and forth was a breeze. That will now end.

Zambian President to File Nomination Papers Thursday

FILE - Zambian President Edgar Lungu attends the opening ceremony of the 24th Ordinary session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU) at the organization's headquarters in Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa, January 30, 2015.Zambia’s incumbent President Edgar Lungu from the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) party plans to file his nomination papers at the Electoral Commission of Zambia on Thursday, according to Priscilla Isaac, director of elections at the commission.

Tilyenji Kaunda of the opposition United National Independence Party (UNIP) and son of Zambia’s first president Kenneth Kaunda, and Edith Nawakwi, first female presidential candidate from the Forum for Democracy and Development, have filed nomination papers to be presidential candidates for their respective parties in the run-up to the August 11 general election.

UN Security Council Renews Sanctions on South Sudan Leaders

FILE - The United Nations Security Council votes to approve a resolution at U.N. headquarters in New York, July 20, 2015. On Wednesday the body backed renewing sanctions against South Sudan’s leaders for another year.WASHINGTON—
The United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution Tuesday to renew sanctions against South Sudan’s leaders for another year. They include travel bans and asset freezes on persons believed to have impeded the peace and stability of the country.
The Security Council’s meeting to renew the resolution on South Sudan’s sanctions lasted only 20 minutes, but the vote means the sanctions will be extended until the end of May 2017.

Uber launches in Uganda

Catherine Byaruhanga
BBC Africa, Kampala
motorcycle taxis
Most people use motorbike taxis in Uganda
Taxi-hailing service Uber has launched in Uganda's capital, Kampala. 
Ugandans with a good internet connection, and the cash, can now order a taxi on their smartphone. 
US-headquartered Uber has seen explosive growth in many cities across the world and is now valued at more than $60bn (£42bn).
But it has provoked controversy and even violent riots in some countries, where traditional taxi drivers feel the service is muscling in unfairly on their business. 
It now operates in 12 African cities, but Kampala could be a very tough nut to crack. 
There aren't many people here who can afford private taxi rides, compared with South African or Nigerian cities like Cape Town and Lagos. 
And even those who can might still prefer motorbike taxis, known as boda bodas, which get you around quickly and cheaply.
Listen: The Boda Boda boom (BBC World Service documentary)

BBC Africa Live welcomes Uwa Nnachi

A big welcome to Uwa Nnachi, who joins us on the BBC Africa Live page for the next few months.

For those who are avid BBC Africa fans, Uwa will be no stranger to you…. and you may remember her as an aficionado of African fashion. Here she is modelling some clothes last year in Petticoat Lane in London:
Uwa Nnachi
Here's a link to her video about London's home of African fashion.
And you can expect much from her, including her tips this weekend on how to make tomato-less Nigerian stews.

Africa Live: Buhari aborts historic trip to Ogoniland, Ethiopia dumps Olympic star

Live reporting 

By Hugo Williams, Farouk Chothia and Uwa Nnachi

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New plan to target drug cheats

Rio logo
Getty Images
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is to target Russia, Mexico and Kenya for drug testing ahead of the Rio Olympics.

Buhari Cancels Visit to Oil-producing Niger Delta

(FILES) This file photo taken on May 14, 2016 shows Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari speaking during a press conference at the Presidential Palace in Abuja.ABUJA—
Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has cancelled at the last minute a visit planned for Thursday to the oil-producing Niger Delta, which has been hit by a wave of militant attacks, a government source said.
Vice President Yemi Osinbajo will instead visit the restive southern region to launch a cleanup program of the Ogoniland, an area badly hit by oil spills, the source said, without giving a reason for Buhari's cancellation.

UN Chief Recommends Adding 2,500 Peacekeepers to Mali Mission

FILE - UN peacekeepers from Burkina Faso stand guard during a patrol through a neighborhood on the outskirts of Timbuktu, Mali.UNITED NATIONS —
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has asked the Security Council to add just over 2,500 peacekeepers to the U.N. peacekeeping mission in Mali, which has been hit by a series of deadly attacks, according to a new U.N. report.
Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) claimed responsibility on Wednesday for an attack a day earlier on two U.N. sites in northern Mali where a peacekeeper from China and three civilians were killed and over a dozen others were wounded.



Turkish foreign ministry says German vote on Armenian genocide is example of ignorance and disrespect for law - Reuters

end of alert


Soccer competitions in Australia, Brazil, Germany, Portugal, the Netherlands and United States to experiment with video replay - FIFA

Hearts contact Kosta Papić to replace Kenichi in ironic deja vu

Joy Sports understands that the management of Hearts of Oak have been in contact with former Orlando Pirates coach Kostadin 'Kosta' Papić to take over the club for the second round of the Ghana Premier League.
This is anticipation of a decision to sack current boss Kenichi Yatsuhashi due to perceived "insubordination and worsening club form".

Robbers gun down MoFA officer in Kumasi

The widow, Esther Adomako, with her children shortly after they had been discharged from hospitalIn yet another bloody attack in the Ashanti Region, suspected armed robbers on Tuesday evening shot dead a 41-year-old man at his residence at Abuontem New Site, near Aputuogya in the Bosomtwe District.

 Joseph Baah Tweneboah, the Metropolitan Crop Officer of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA), was shot at point blank range killing him instantly. 

The incident is the third in about two months in which armed robbers had attacked and killed their victims in Kumasi and its surrounding communities.

Chief Justice is not on leave- Judicial Secretary

The Judiciary has denied reports the Chief Justice Georgina Theodora Wood is on leave.
In a response to a letter written by Member of Parliament for Effutu  Alexander Afenyo Markin, the Judicial Secretary Alex B. Opoku Acheampong said the Chief Justice is out of the country on official duties and the senior most judge on the Supreme Court, William Atuguba is acting in her stead.

Blackburn confirm Owen Coyle as new manager

owen-coyle-houston-dynamo-smiling-mls_3473088Blackburn Rovers have appointed Owen Coyle as their new manager. Coyle returned to the United Kingdom last week after two years in Major League Soccer where he managed Houston Dynamo.

 Rovers were searching for a new boss after Paul Lambert decided to step down following the final Sky Bet Championship game of the season against

Amber Rose look-alike in Criss Waddle’s 'Biegya' video dead

Bridget Shiel, a 19-year-old Amber Rose look-alike model who featured in Criss Waddle’s Biegya music video which featured Stonebwoy has been found dead according to wsbtv.
According to the site, the lifeless body of the model was found naked at a park near DeKalb Resturant in Atlanta , United State of America.

Lionel Messi to give evidence at tax fraud trial in Spain

Messi CourtThe Argentina and Barcelona footballer Lionel Messi is due to give evidence in a Spanish court on tax fraud charges.
 Messi and his father Jorge, who manages his financial affairs, are accused of defrauding Spain of more than €4m (£3m; $4.5m) between 2007 and 2009. The authorities allege that the two used tax havens in Belize and Uruguay to conceal earnings from image rights. Spain’s tax agency is demanding heavy fines and prison sentences. 

I’ve achieved 80% goals for my constituency – Rashid Pelpuo

Rashid PepuoThe Member of Parliament for Wa Central, Dr. Rashid Pelpuo has disclosed that he has achieved about “70 to 80 percent” of targets he set for his constituents. According to him, when he became MP, he realized that his constituency lagged behind in terms of development with respect to education and social amenities.

SADA promotes eco-tourism

017aca7d-580a-4990-a218-c44b8e962c7dThe Savannah Accelerated Development Authority (SADA) in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Creative Arts is re-strategizing to enhance the untapped eco-tourism potentials found within the SADA ecological zone.
 This intention, according to SADA’s Director in charge of social development, Dr. Chrys Anab is aimed at using eco-tourism as an investment drive to create enough jobs for the teeming unemployed youth. Dr. Anab spoke to Citi News on the sidelines at the first SADA zone tourism, culture and creative arts roundtable discussion held in Tamale.

Africawatch Publication Meant To Denigrate Rawlings; An Attempt To Create Panic - Kofi Adams

Spokesperson for Ex-President Jerry John Rawlings and also the National Organizer of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC), Kofi Adams has concluded that a publication about the former President in the Africawatch Magazine is an attempt to create fear and panic among his lovers, followers and supporters.

Sammy Crabbe suit against NPP dismissed

An Accra High Court has dismissed the suit brought by the suspended 2nd National Vice Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Mr. Sammy Crabbe.

Rescue efforts over in Volta Lake accident: death toll still 15

drownsSearch teams in the Brong Ahafo Region have brought rescue efforts following the boat disaster on the Volta Lake on Sunday, to an end. According to the Yeji Boat Union, the death toll of 15 isn’t expected to rise as no more people had been reported missing. 

COCOBOD blows $8,000 on domain name for website

Chief Executive Officer of COCOBOD, Dr. Stephen Opuni

Aside the startling revelation that the Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) spent $20,000 of the $1.8 billion syndicated loan for the 2015/2016 crop season on renting a venue for a signing ceremony, the company has explained that $8,000 of that amount was used to secure a domain name for the designing of a special website. 

Today's Headlines: Former Trump University Workers Call the School a 'Lie' and a 'Scheme' in Testimony

Top News
Donald J. Trump at a news conference in New York in 2005 where he announced the establishment of Trump University.
Former Trump University Workers Call the School a 'Lie' and a 'Scheme' in Testimony


Former managers of Trump University say it relied on high-pressure sales tactics, employed unqualified instructors and made deceptive claims.
The Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania. Exelon, the plant's owner, is considering closing two of its nuclear facilities.
Nuclear Plants, Despite Safety Concerns, Gain Support as Clean Energy Sources


Some environmentalists have come to accept nuclear power as a low-emission source of electricity. But the industry is struggling to compete with cheap natural gas.