Blog Archive

Tuesday 17 May 2016

The most important politics stories today

John Sommers II / Getty Images
Clinton leans on Democratic loyalists to gain upper hand in Kentucky primary
State was considered Sanders territory, but her campaign thinks she has a chance.
By Abby Phillip  •  Read more »

Pentagon recruitment advertising needs a few good ideas
Military puzzling over figuring how to make modern pitches.
By Joe Davidson | Columnist  •  PowerPost  •  Read more »
Rand Paul plays catch up in money chase as he’s expected to clinch Kentucky Senate nod
Paul is expected to run against Lexington mayor Jim Gray in November.
By Elise Viebeck  •  PowerPost  •  Read more »
Impeachment hearings are latest victory in conservative war on IRS
IRS chief John Koskinen is still deciding whether he will testify at his impeachment hearing next week.
By Lisa Rein  •  PowerPost  •  Read more »

Koch political network plans spend more than $42 million on Senate ads through September
By Matea Gold  •  Post Politics  •  Read more »
Senate set to approve Zika funding
The funding package is expected to easily pass the Senate, but prospects for passing the legislation through the House are dim.
By Kelsey Snell  •  PowerPost  •  Read more »
Some conservatives are still plotting to stop Trump at the GOP convention
Many talk about ‘unbinding’ delegates, but the efforts are scattered and uncertain.
By Ed O'Keefe and David Weigel  •  Read more »
Have Republicans really spent $7 million on the Benghazi Committee?
Democrats are responsible for one-third of the cost, but they ignore that in their statements.
By Glenn Kessler  •  Fact Checker  •  Read more »
Trump campaign hires veteran GOP pollster Tony Fabrizio
After long eschewing many traditional hiring practices, Trump is adding experienced operatives as he gears up for the general election.
By Sean Sullivan  •  Post Politics  •  Read more »
The Daily Trail: Donald Trump's billionaire supporters still aren't sure where to send their checks
The campaign's first rule of Trump super PACs: You do not talk about Trump super PACs.
By Rebecca Sinderbrand  •  Post Politics  •  Read more »
Kasich rules out ‘Stop Trump’ third-party bid
"I just think running third party doesn't feel right. I think it's not constructive," Kasich told CNN.
By David Weigel  •  Post Politics  •  Read more »
Ben Rhodes won’t testify to Congress on Iran deal ‘narratives’
White House says testimony would raise 'significant constitutional concerns rooted in the separation of powers.'
By Mike DeBonis  •  PowerPost  •  Read more »

Cruz campaign signs off with a message: ‘To be continued’
Cruz's new video continues the theme of his post-campaign rhetoric: That nothing about his message needs to change.
By David Weigel  •  Post Politics  •  Read more »
Donald Trump to meet with Henry Kissinger, GOP’s foreign-policy eminence
The face-to-face session comes after weeks of phone conversations between Trump and Kissinger, who was a top adviser to presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.
By Robert Costa and Philip Rucker  •  Post Politics  • Read more »
Clinton fires back at critic: ‘It’s time that people stop listening to Republican propaganda’
Clinton made the woman's outburst a referendum on the "facts."
By Abby Phillip  •  Post Politics  •  Read more »
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